spiracle|spiracles in English


[spi·ra·cle || 'spɪrəkl /'spaɪər-]

air hole, opening which allows the passage of air; (Zoology) respiratory aperture (as in whales, sharks, spiders, etc.)

Use "spiracle|spiracles" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spiracle|spiracles" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spiracle|spiracles", or refer to the context using the word "spiracle|spiracles" in the English Dictionary.

1. The insect breathes through small holes called spiracles.

2. 9 Insects can also lose heat by evaporation from their spiracles, but this may lead to desiccation.

3. Acarine disease is caused by the mite Acarapis woodi that gets into the tracheae of the bee through its breathing holes or spiracles in its thorax or midsection

4. VII puts all Lorenzinian ampullae having their openings between spiracle and gill-slits out of action, whereas the lateral canal organs and all other skin receptors in the same area remain untouched.

5. The vivid coloration is very probably Aposematic too, as the adults when physically persecuted will assume a "dymantic" posture with the red or orange hindwings exposed, and produce an foul-smelling froth of blood and air from the thoracic spiracles.

6. Unique protibial (2 teeth on the lateral margin in both sexes, subapical position of reduced protibial spur) and abdominal (Bisinuate margin of 6 th abdomi nal sternite, terminal spiracle not positioned on pleural suture) characters of Eriosce lis emarginata also complicate recognition of the genus and may be reasons to doubt the monophyly of